Goal 1:
KidsFirst NORTH provides families a range of supports that promote and enhance positive parent child interaction
- To deliver the Growing Great Kids and other curricula
- To provide referrals, information, tools, and activities that enhance parent-child interactions
Goal 2:
KidsFirst NORTH provides families a range of supports that promote and enhance child development and well-being.
- To deliver Growing Great Kids and other curricula
- To support families in accessing children’s and families’ services
- To support early identification of developmental delays through developmental screening, referrals to appropriate services, and create links to community services
- To promote child health and wellbeing by facilitating access to children’s services, dental care, well baby clinics, and immunization
Goal 3:
KidsFirst NORTH supports prenatal women to have healthy pregnancies and healthy birth outcomes.
- To provide women with information on all aspects of prenatal health
- To support positive maternal mental health through early identification and intervention
- To support women to identify and deal with mental health, addictions and domestic violence issues
Goal 4:
KidsFirst NORTH supports families to provide environments to promote child development and family wellbeing.
- To support families in enhancing social support, housing suitability and stability, and food security
- To support families to prevent, identify and address mental health and addictions concerns, and promote positive mental health
- To support families to enhance skill development and employment
- To enhance community capacity building
- To encourage and establish partnerships at all levels towards achieving the goals of the program
Goal 5:
KidsFirst NORTH provides accountability for quality programming.
- KidsFirst is governed and administered in accordance with principles of effective and efficient management, and of ethical practice
- KidsFirst strives to identify and implement promising practices for quality assurance and continuous program development
- Programs meet provincial quality standards in the following areas: identification, documentation, staff training, curriculum, curriculum delivery, safety, assessment, acceptance, engagement, confidentiality, timeliness, and family retention.